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Writer's pictureGrace Kubikisha-Carter


When I was a child, I took my first steps into the world of work at my parents' men’s luxury clothing store, and it remains one of my fondest childhood memories. It became a pivotal experience in understanding people, money and business. The store, with its sleek displays and bright lights, became a place where I learned valuable lessons about responsibility and financial management. 

One of the most exciting aspects of working at the store was handling money. My parents taught me how to use the cash register, and I quickly learned the importance of accuracy in processing transactions. At first, it seemed like a complex machine, but I soon mastered it, finding great satisfaction in handling transactions accurately and efficiently. There was something satisfying about seeing the cash flow through my hands and knowing that I was contributing to the store’s success. I also took on the responsibility of recording inventory.

My other tasks ranged from cleaning the floors to organizing racks of high-end suits and shirts. I took pride in making sure everything was in perfect order, ready for the next customer. Interacting with customers was one of my favorite parts of the job. I enjoyed helping them find what they were looking for. Most of the conversations we had were fascinating; occasionally there would be some difficult customers who complained about the price of everything and I quickly learned to just talk with them in a customer friendly manner.

The best part of working at the store was the sense of achievement that came from earning commission bonuses when I hit sales targets. Each bonus was a testament to my hard work and dedication.

The most rewarding aspect of this experience was the time spent with my parents. The store wasn’t just a place of work; it was where we bonded and shared our day-to-day experiences. The interaction with customers, coupled with the sense of contributing to the family business, made everyday exciting and fulfilling. And let’s not forget the highlight of my shift—treating myself to a donut from my favorite bakery—Trudy’s. It was a small but sweet reward for my efforts, making the experience even more enjoyable.

This early exposure and the lessons in work, responsibility, and earning have stayed with me throughout my life. Working at the store taught me the value of hard work, the joy of achieving goals, and the simple pleasure of spending time with loved ones. With each paycheck I earned, I would put some money aside and spend the rest. I found joy in not having to ask my parents for money for every little thing I wanted. But it was more than just earning money; it was about gaining a sense of accomplishment, creating lasting memories and being the reason for joy in a stranger’s life.


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